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** Sunday Service Time - 10:30AM **

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Living Waters is a non-denominational ministry/church.

I have posted this page in hopes that others know just how close we are to the what the bible describes as the end of the age.  Keep your eye on what is going on abroad.  Our news stations very seldom will report any of the things you are about to read.  Our redemption draws near.  As you hold this ministry up in prayer, I ask that you also hold up the Jewish people and Israel in prayer also.  Below is as current as October 18.

Israel - Behing the Headlines

middle east forum

Keeping Support for Israel Bipartisan

Below please find a link to an important article from our Executive Director, David Brog.  As David notes, conservative supporters of Israel have worked hard to make the case for Israel to America's conservatives.   As a result, the conservative movement is overwhelmingly pro-Israel today.  Unfortunately, however, too few liberals have been standing up to defend Israel to their base in recent years.  As a consequence we see support for Israel eroding on the Left.    

What David's article makes clear is that muscular advocacy on behalf of Israel works -- on both sides of the aisle.  That's why we in CUFI make the case for Israel to both conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats.  And that's why we in CUFI must continue to do even more in defense of the Jewish state in the months to come.  

We don't want support for Israel to ever become a partisan issue in America.  And we know that if we keep doing our job, it never will.  


Iranian Police Round Up ChristiansIranian Christians

Iranian police have arrested between 100 and 400 Christians and thrown them into prisons.

Firouz Khandjani, a council member of the ‘Church of Iran’ house church movement, told the Christian BosNewsLife website, “We have learned that at least 100, but perhaps as many as 400 people, have been detained over the last 10 days.”


Rockets FireIDF Report: Rockets Fired on Southern Israel

Over 505 rockets have been fired from Gaza into Israel this year, including over 45 this month.

On Wednesday, Israeli aircraft targeted a terror activity site in the northern Gaza Strip. A direct hit was confirmed.

The site was targeted in response to the rocket fire at southern Israel.


CUFI In:The Hill


Moral Israel in an Immoral Middle East by David Brog
Last week, a group of Christian leaders sent a letter to every member of Congress asking that they investigate alleged human rights abuses in the Middle East. On October 8th, The Hill published a piece elaborating on their argument.  

No, these clergymen were not seeking to stop the slaughter of Muslims and Christians in Syria. And no, they didn’t demand action to end the massacre of Christians in Iraq and Egypt. They sought neither an end to Iran’s march towards nuclear weapons nor the cessation of renewed missile fire from Gaza into Israel’s southern cities. 

These clergymen were asking that Congress investigate alleged Israeli human rights abuses, and they suggested cutting our military aid to Israel in the process.   




Living Waters is a non-denominational ministry/church.
Living Waters is a non-denominational ministry/church.

Living Waters is a non-denominational ministry/church.

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 Romans 6:14 - For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
This site maintained by Gary Jones Ministries